Dog Sees Her Parents Sword Fighting And Demands To Play Too


Since 2020, Pinto Bean’s parents have been creating TikTok videos, and stage combat is a favorite element to include in their productions. As a result, Pinto Bean has spent the majority of her life witnessing them act out battles with toy swords, and one day she decided she wanted to join in.


The couple was out in a field filming a new video when Pinto Bean noticed a very large stick laying nearby, and she quickly seized the opportunity.

“She picked up the stick and started chasing me down while waving the stick around like it was her own sword,” Anna Kimbro, Pinto Bean’s mom, told The Dodo. “I pretended to ‘block’ her blows with my sword, and she was having a blast trying to dodge and attack. Finally, I let her ‘slay’ me and dramatically fell to the ground after she tapped me with her stick.”

Kimbro dropped her sword as she fell — and Pinto Bean quickly decided to claim it as her prize.

“Pinto immediately dropped her stick to pick up the sword and run off with it like she had just looted my dead body,” Kimbro said. “She’d learned how to do all of that just by watching us, so we started giving her the sword she’d stolen from me to use as her own, and the rest is history.”

Pinto Bean is the only owner of the foam prop because she defeated her opponent with that sword. She also enjoys using a little imitation dagger. She recognizes when it’s time to battle whenever she sees one of those. Pinto Bean has been participating with her parents in any type of stage battle since the very beginning, and she has always loved it.


Pinto Bean is now a professional swordfighter. Playing with her swords is part of her routine, and she definitely seems to assume this is something all dogs do with their humans.

Every week or two, we play with her sword, according to Kimbro. “We try to do it quite frequently, even if we don’t always record it for TikTok or Instagram, because she likes doing exercise that way. She will nearly always take a stick and try to “battle” with it, even if we don’t get her sword out.

She has even attempted to use a stick to “fight” my parents’ dog Luna, who is her greatest buddy. She was astonished when Luna reacted by running away and not grabbing a stick to defend herself.

It’s definitely unusual for a dog’s favorite hobby to be stage combat, but for Pinto Bean, it just works.

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